Engagement Session Sunset

Planning Resources

Top 10 Sunset Spots in Grand Teton National Park

June 1, 2022

Planning Resources
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The sheer beauty and rugged strength of the Grand Teton National Park makes it the optimal location for family trips and exploration. The sunset spots in Grand Teton national Park are some of the most impressive in all of North America. It is here that you can sit amongst your loved ones and get a view of the most spectacular sunset in all of Jackson, WY (and far beyond).

However, a fair amount of preparation is required to determine the best spots and times to get the best view of the sunset in the Grand Tetons. Since the sun sets behind the Tetons, it is important to align the position of the sun (depending on the time of year) with the spot that offers the best light. Similarly, it is necessary to take weather into account — it wouldn’t do to visit in the frigid months of December and January when temperatures dip down to 0°F, would it? It’s always best to consult a reliable website to pinpoint the exact time of the sunset in the Grand Teton Park.

The most important determinant for watching the sunset in the Grand Teton Park is undoubtedly the spot you stake out. In this post, we have compiled 10 beautiful sunset spots that offer an unparalleled view of the sunset in the Grand Teton Park.

#1 — Signal Mountain Lodge

Located in the heart of the park, the Signal Mountain Lodge offers comfortable lodges, tasteful eateries, and a spectacular view of the sunset in Jackson Hole. Guests can recline on the patio with a glass of red and some sustainable trout and watch as the sun slowly sets in the horizon, momentarily illuminating the breathtaking surroundings. Although the lodge is only open from May to October, it has fast become a favorite among those who travel to the Tetons in this time.

#2 — Signal Mountain Summit Road

The Signal Mountain Summit Road has been claimed by many to be the best place to watch the sunset in Jackson Hole, likely due to the incomparable panoramic view it offers. Located at a distance of around 1,000 feet from the Lodge to the top of the mountain, adventurous travelers can undertake a 5-mile trek from the Lodge to get here. Worry not though, because there are also wheeled options that will also take you to the top of the mountain to get this exceptional view.

#3 — Snake River Overlook

One of the most popular destinations for Teton tourists, the Snake River Overlook arguably provides the most exquisite view of the sunset in Jackson, WY, with the skies turning crimson and the river snaking through the base of the mountains. In fact, it was this exact spot where photographer Adam Ansel took his highly renowned picture of the sunset in the Grand Teton Park so you can rest assured that this spot is verified to be picturesque.

#4 — Willow Flats Overlook

From this overlook, you can get a clear view of the Willow Flats, a stunning area teeming with the wildlife of the park. Here, the sunset illuminates the dramatic peaks of the Tetons with the shy netizens of the park roaming about and even proffers glimpses of Jackson Lake. While this spot hasn’t exactly been lauded for providing the most breathtaking sunset in the Grand Teton Park, it offers an interesting experience for those willing to venture out of the ordinary.

#5 — Blacktail Ponds Overlook

The Blacktail Ponds Overlook is famous for being one of the most tranquil and serene spots to sit back and watch the sunset in Jackson Hole. It offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Snake River bottom and, if you aren’t too rowdy, you can even hear the steady rush of the river gushing by. If you’re lucky, you might get a glimpse of some moose wandering about. Overall, this is a great spot for those seeking some peace and quiet.

#6 — Oxbow Bend Turnout

The Oxbow Bend provides an unparalleled reflection of the Grand Tetons in its shimmering waters. Unfortunately, travelers should know that the only time of the year in which the sunset is directly behind the peaks and the bend is not frozen over is October. Although this is an elusive sunset to catch, it is equally rewarding if you manage to view the spectacular reflection amongst the vibrant fall foliage — this might even make it the best place to watch the sunset in Jackson Hole.

#7 — Schwabacher Landing

Easily one of the most popular spots in the park, sunset in Schwabacher Landing has a dedicated fan following of its own. Here, you have a direct view of the Tetons, framed on either side by towering alpine trees and reflected in the gushing river below. As the wildlife lurks around you, sit back, and watch what is easily amongst the most surreal and uninhibited views of the sunset in the Grand Tetons.

#8 — Chapel of the Transfiguration

The Chapel of the Transfiguration is a homey, wooden chalet that might especially appeal to churchgoers but is certainly worth a visit from all Teton tourists. The view of the sunset here will either light up the peaks of the Tetons or the chapel itself, which is a sight to see as it seems as though the entire chalet has been illuminated from within. Whether or not you believe in spiritual experiences, many have rightly proclaimed this to be the best place to watch the sunset in Jackson Hole.

#9 — Elk Ranch Flats

While the view itself may not pique the interests of most, the pull of the Elk Ranch Flats is the diversity of the wildlife found here. Imagine this: an unobstructed view of the Tetons, a horde of animals ranging from elk to foxes teeming about, and the sunset lighting up the peaks of the stark mountains. It’s truly one experience of the sunset in Jackson, WY, that you should not miss out on.

#10 — Jackson Lake Overlook

This spot offers a view of the Tetons unlike any other. Here, you can see a clustered view of the peaks with Mt. Moran and the Tetons right next to each other. However, the best time for the sunset in the Grand Tetons generally falls in the months of December and January here, when the lake is frozen over and there isn’t much to see. If you’re feeling adventurous and can bear the freezing cold for new sights, this could be the one for you.

If you’re heading down to the Tetons, you’re certainly in for an adventure that you will never forget. If you want to get the optimal experience though, just be careful to choose the best spots and times to glimpse those beautiful sunset spots in Grand Teton National Park. A little bit of preparation goes a long way!

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